Tome of Beasts 2 Lairs
Each adventure is intended to take one or two sessions to complete and includes a map, adventure hooks, and treasures for your adventurers. The adventures include:
To Track a Thief, Level 1
The Forsaken Fort, Level 3
The Twisted Wreath, Level 3
Tragedy at Thyrdun Outpost, Level 3
Shrine of the Hungry Dead, Level 4
Caverns of the Crystal Monolith, Level 5
Fight for Horseshoe Rock Oasis, Level 5
The River Tomb, Level 6
House of the Worm God, Level 7
Terror at the Mountain Lotus Temple, Level 8
Tunnels Below Skulltop Tor, Level 9
Crucible of Golems, Level 10
Fire and Fury, Level 13
Towers of the Three Regents, Level 15