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Battletome: Beasts of Chaos

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All the rules you need in order to get your Beasts of Chaos army ready for the gaming table are here:

- 25 Warscrolls, covering every miniature available to the Beasts of Chaos faction and including 3 Endless Spell warscrolls – Doomblast Dirgehorn, Ravening Direflock and Wildfire Taurus – for use with Malign Sorcery;
- Allegiance Abilities representing the Beasts of Chaos’ methods of war – including Command Traits, Battle Traits and 3 separate types of Artefacts of power;
- Lore of the Twisted Wilds, a spell list available to Brayherd wizards; and Lore of the Dark Storms, a spell list available to Thunderscorn wizards;
- Specific Abilities, Command Traits and Artefacts of Power for the following Greatfrays: Allherd, Gavespawn and Darkwalkers;
- A Battleplan, including objectives for both sides, deployment map, special rules and victory conditions;
- Rules for creating a Beasts of Chaos warband to use in a Path to Glory campaign, including a Followers Rewards Table and Champion Rewards Table;
- 8 Warscroll Battalions conferring advantages for fielding certain combinations of models;
- Pitched Battle Profiles for all units featured in this Battletome, including unit sizes, points values and battlefield roles.
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