Created by Michael Kiesling, Azul: Stained Glass of Sintra challenges players to carefully select glass panes to complete their windows while being careful not to damage or waste supplies in the process. The window panels are double-sided, providing players with a dynamic player board that affords nearly infinite variability!
The combat patrol was exactly the same as I have bought before. It’s good value for me. The real gem though is the store. In addition to being the only store around to have a good enough selection to have all my factions on the shelf, they also have every selection of paint here. Army painter, citadel, pro acrylic, all of it. This store rocks.
We are learning how to play games with my 4 year old grandchildren. After receiving the game from us and playing one time, the very next time they brought the game out and wanted to play again! They love imitating the actions of dogs. We are learning about how to take turns, count spaces and play together. I think the game is a little long for 4 year olds so we just start a little closer to the end. Great first game for the grand kids.
It's complicated so there's definitely a learning curve but that means that every game is different and there are so many options and combinations that I expect the game to remain novel and enjoyable for a long time.
We’ve played this multiple times and it has just enough strategy to make it fun but it’s easy to learn and plays in under 20 minutes. My kids love the pirate theme.