This colour will look fantastic on Skaven, Beastmen and any creature with fur on it. Allied with this Colour Primer you will save endless time basecoating a horde army. It is a warm pure brown and will also work equally well on warmachines as an alternative woodcolour compared to the more realistic Leather Brown. Looks equally great with either STRONG or DARK Tone Quickshade.
It's complicated so there's definitely a learning curve but that means that every game is different and there are so many options and combinations that I expect the game to remain novel and enjoyable for a long time.
We’ve played this multiple times and it has just enough strategy to make it fun but it’s easy to learn and plays in under 20 minutes. My kids love the pirate theme.
Had to special order some minis. They reached out really quickly to let me know that they were in. Great customer service and cannot wait for future business.