Adventurers Spellbook
Spells. Incantations. Cantrips. Glamours. Hexes. Invocations. Charms.
Magic spells lie at the heart of the wizard and cleric, druid and illusionist as well as a host of other classes (see Adventurers Backpack). Monsters use them. NPCs use them. They abound in every session, in every game of Castles & Crusades.
And now, for the first time we have gathered the spells or C&C into one place. From a wide variety of sources, we have compiled them all in one place. They come from the Players Handbook, Adventurers Backpack, Players Guide to Aihrde, Amazing Adventures, Hallowed Oracle Players Guide & Elemental Spells (now out of print)! A mountainous collection for all the spellcasters and an easy resource for players and CK’s alike.
With over 1,000 spells and 210 rune spells this book is the ultimate resource for spells!
There are
- Druid Spells
- Cleric Spells
- Wizard Spells
- Illusionist Spells
- Rune Spells
These last are designed for the Rune Mark class found in the Adventurers Backpack. These last are broken up into magic schools
- Runes of the Initiate
- Blood Runes
- Winter Runes
- Shadow Runes
- Dragon Runes
- Color Runes
- Dream Runes
- Bone Runes
- Aihrdian Runes
The Adventurers Spellbook also includes the tables and information on the oft discussed but hard to find Chromatic Mage!