Tome of Beasts 3 Pawns
Over 300 pawns for your 5th Edition game featuring mighty monsters from the Tome of Beasts 3—from Small to Huge! Includes:
- Abaasy
- Adult Prismatic Dragon
- Adult Sand Dragon
- Animated Offal
- Archangel Hala’ath
- Bone Lord
- Drudge Pitcher
- Firestorm Giant
- Garmvvolf
- Glacial Crawler
- Godslayer
- Hvalfiskr
- Imperator Penguin
- Kalkydra Angel
- Karkadann
- Khargi
- Kogukhpak
- Ley Wanderer
- Malmbjorn
- Nariphon
- Necrotech Reaver
- Necrotech Thunderer
- Obsidian Ophidian
- Queen of Mammoths
- Reef Drake
- Rockchewer Ogre
- Rockwood
- Sacred Hippopotamus
- Shire Giant
- Siege Archon
- Snallygaster
- Soil Snake
- Stargazer
- Therizinosaurus
- Underworld Sentinel
- Zirnitran Angel
- Alazai
- Alke
- Alleybasher Ogre
- Animated Quartet
- Aphasian Abomination
- Arcane Scavenger
- Archangel Iilari’jil
- Beach Weird
- Berberoka
- Black Shuck
- Blestsessebe
- Bookworm
- Caldera Kite
- Catamount
- Chain Golem
- Coastline Reaper
- Corpselight Moth
- Cunning Artisan Ogre
- Daeodon
- Desolation Nymph
- Devilflame Juggler
- Devouring Angel
- Diomedian Horse
- Dire Lionfish
- Dire Wildebeest
- Drake Rider Kobold
- Dread Examiner
- Dust Grazer
- Equitox
- Fiend Lord Malaabit
- Gearmass
- Ghost Knight Templar
- Giant Mantis Shrimp
- Giant Mole Lizard
- Giant Walking Stick
- Grivid
- Grolar Bear
- Harvest Horse
- Hippopotamus
- Ibexian
- Ice Golem
- Ice Willow
- Jubjub Bird
- Kadag Ogre
- Leashed Lesion
- Leavesrot Ooze
- Leech Demon
- Living Soot
- Maelstrom Devil
- Midnight Sun
- Monkey’s Bane Vine
- Mudmutt
- Muraenid
- Myrmex Speaker
- Nihilethic Dominator
- Nulicorn
- Origami Golem
- Permafrost Elemental
- Púca
- Pyrite Pile
- Rainforest Ogre
- Rattleback Troll
- Ravening Minotaur
- Riptide Drake
- Ruin Scarab
- Sewer Weird
- Sinoper Ooze
- Smokeplume Zombie
- Star-Nosed Diopsid
- Talus Flow
- Thursir Armorer
- Thursir Hearth Priestess
- Tigebra
- Tumor Troll
- Ursan Archon
- Urushi Constrictor
- Vapor Drake
- Void-Blessed Ogre
- Wakwak
- Waterkledde
- Wild Sirocco
- Yilanka
- Young Prismatic Dragon
- Young Sand Dragon
- Alliumite Husker
- Alseid Woad Warrior
- Angler Dwarf
- Apostle
- Atavist
- Avestruzii (2)
- Baleful Miasma
- Bannik
- Birgemon Seal
- Breathstealer
- Brine Hag
- Capybear
- Caretaker Weevil
- Chaos Creeper
- Chemosit
- Climbing Vines (2)
- Clockwork Pugilist (2)
- Clockwork Tactician
- Cloudhoof Assassin
- Coral Queen
- Countess of Garlands
- Cyonaxin
- Dokkaebi
- Field Commander
- Fire Shaman Trollkin
- Firecracker Dwarf
- First Servant
- Fixer
- Floe Hag
- Forgotten Regent
- Frostjack
- Gullkin (2)
- Gutter Troll
- Haakjir (2)
- Herd Skulker
- Inciter Demon
- Infernal Tutor
- Infested Duelist
- Infiltrator
- Insatiable Brood
- Ironmonger Trollkin
- Jinnborn Pirate (2)
- Kobold Ettin
- Kobold Leviathan Hunter
- Maha Demon
- Manure Ooze
- Megantereon
- Merchant Captain
- Moonless Hunter
- Moonweb
- Mother Moth
- Myrmex
- Niya-Atha Raja
- Niya-Atha Sorcerer
- Niya-Atha Warrior (2)
- Oathrot Wraith
- Obeleric
- Offal Walker
- Old Salt
- Painted Phantasm
- Peat Mummy
- Pelagic Deva
- Pesta Hag
- Phoenixborn (2)
- Plague Harpy
- Prismatic Wyrmling
- Psychophant Cultist
- Psychopomp
- Quagga
- Rainforest King
- Rakshasa Myrmidon (2)
- Rakshasa Servitor
- Rakshasa Slayer
- Razorback Crab
- Razorfeather Raptor
- Sand Wyrmling
- Satarre Infiltrator
- Sazakan
- Scorchrunner Jackal (2)
- Shadow Fey Executioner
- Shadow Lurker
- Shepherd Drake
- Shetani
- Shrouded Angel
- Silent Crier
- Snatch Bat
- Sodwose
- Splinter Matron
- Swampgas Shade (2)
- Tar Golem
- Tatzelwurm
- Thripper
- Truant Eater
- Umbral Shambler
- Vampiric Vanguard
- Void Constructor (2)
- Void Knight
- Vorthropod
- Warlock of the Genie Lord
- Werecrocodile
- Wilderness Crone
- Wind Acolyte
- Witchalder
- Wood Hag
- Wrackwraith
- Xecha
- Alabroza
- Alabroza Bloodfiend
- Alliumite Rapscallion (2)
- Bakery Drake
- Bilge Gremlin Bosun
- Bone Collector (2)
- Brumalek
- Catterball
- Clacker Beetle Soldier (2)
- Clockwork Armadillo (2)
- Clockwork Conductor
- Conniption Bug (2)
- Death Worm (2)
- Div
- Doom Creeper
- Dubius
- Ember Glider
- Erina Tussler
- Giant Flea
- Giant Pufferfish
- Guardian Archaeopteryx (2)
- Iceworm (2)
- Ion Slime
- Jeholopterus
- Juniper Sheriff
- Kobold Ghost Hunter
- Kobold Planes Hunter
- Kobold Sapper (2)
- Light Eater
- Lobe Lemur
- Mindshard
- Moldering Devil (2)
- Moon Weaver (2)
- Peri
- Pescavitus
- Puffinfolk (2)
- Pyrrhic Podthrower
- Qumdaq (2)
- Rakshasa Pustakam
- Rochade
- Scarsupial
- Slithy Tove
- Stained Glass Moth (2)
- Stone-Eater Slime
- Tuberkith (2)
- Veritigibbet
- Voidclaw Zombie
- Young Myrmex (2)